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Enkel M. (1) ID utente: 1594794

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Iscritto dal giorno 19-09-2019

Feedback (1)

Le recensioni vengono create dagli utenti dopo l'esecuzione di una transazione.

This person try make me to transport immigrants from Calais to Dover for 6,000 pounds. He offer very good money, but when you say no in smuggle people , everything is wrong for him. After that he doesn't answet Be careful on him!!

[Rispondi da: Sep 25, 2019, 11:32

Sorry, I said to you have 8 pallets with furniture and I send to you size for one palet you say ok send offert I accepted and after you say put 3 palets on 1 I think you have lorry ,and I asked you for immigrants because somone used my company name for it]

Da: Mariusz S. (178) 24-09-2019



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