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Adriane J. (0) ID utente: 1845980

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Iscritto dal giorno 14-04-2020

Richieste recenti:

Trasporto Pacchi
Trasporto da Valencia, Spagna
Trasporto a Bruxelles, Belgio

I am not sure yet with the right weight and sizes of the box since I am still packing.. but I am aiming for only 3 big boxes......

Trasporto Passeggero
Trasporto da Valencia, Spagna
Trasporto a Bruxelles, Belgio

2 passengers and 1 dog

Trasporto Animali domestici
Trasporto da Valencia, Spagna
Trasporto a Bruxelles, Belgio

and would you be able to take some big boxes together with the dog? what is the additional cost for it (3 big boxes)?