Profilo utente

Olivier K. (1) ID utente: 695652

0% Feedback

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Iscritto dal giorno 17-12-2017

Feedback (1)

Le recensioni vengono create dagli utenti dopo l'esecuzione di una transazione.

You gave me negative feedback because i didn't respond for you last message with delivery price?? Yes I did not because I dont like peopel who thing the world is only for them. Dont waste other people time. We do all best to make our customer very happy

Da: Magdalena J. (340) 22-01-2018





Richieste recenti:

Trasporto Auto
Trasporto da Berlino, Germania
Trasporto a Havant, Regno Unito
Trasporto Auto
Trasporto da Havant, Regno Unito
Trasporto a Berlino, Germania

URGENT!! need to have it delivered by end of day tomorrow - Wednesday 24th January in Berlin!!

Trasporto Auto
Trasporto da Havant, Regno Unito
Trasporto a Berlino, Germania

depending on the time of day or night, it can be possible to have the car picked up by Dover harbor or Portsmouth harbor.

Trasporto Auto
Trasporto da Havant, Regno Unito
Trasporto a Berlino, Germania

depending on the time of day or night, it can be possible to have the car picked up by Dover harbor or Portsmouth harbor.